Our Events Bring Interest

  • Mutually Beneficial

    You have the space, we have the following. We’ll host a mushroom tea party or photoshoot on your venue with the intention of gathering unique content for your marketing campaigns, and generating interest through our established networks of customers.

  • Results You Can See

    Our content is often the highest performing on customer’s social media, and we regularly create customers that patron the establishment. After our tea party at a local venue, three different customers rented it for their weddings!

  • Pricing

    We’re open to collaboration. If you have a space that we believe would be profitable for our event, we’ll rent it. If we believe it isn’t quite large enough for the ticket sales to turn a profit, we can absolutely still run one for an additional service price. Feel free to open a dialogue with us about what we’d need to get an event started.

Tell us about the space.

Describe your property and any interesting features. What makes your venue special? We’ll also need some basic logistic info like parking space, bathrooms, electricity, and max capacity.